CRank: 5Score: 24690

I really agree with this article being a fellow girl gamer myself. It just isn't a necessary thing to have these woman just be there and they don't know a damn thing about the game they're marketing for. Some of them are either look bored or sumtimes be disrespected by sum of the male attendee's (like touching and making rude comments to them). It just really needs to go, especially now since woman are getting more into gaming then ever before. And it just sucks that publisher...

5201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@TotalPS3Fanboy: Its very hard to find a 60GB. And if you're able to find one they cost more then the current PS3 that is out in stores. Also 60GB PS3's are more prone to YLOD (and probably sum B.C. 80GB).

I really don't care for Trophies (useless thing that is) and this remastered crap. You're gonna see its going to be an endless cycle. Once the PS4 comes out then everyone will want PS1, PS2, and PS3 remastered stuff. We'll just be buying the same game o...

5201d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is this really the first issue? Cause i've been trying to find EGM in newsstands (and i live in NYC where the place is infested with them). And i still can't find the darn thing.

5201d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm really looking forward what this game has to offer especially since the Director (Sawaki Takeyasu) worked on Devil May Cry and Okami, one of my two all time favorite games.

The art is weird, and the story seems interesting. And thank goodness its an action-adventure game.

5201d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

That #4 is a sleazebag and i hope he doesn't procreate. The other one's are funny and absurd. That N-Gage one is so pathetic. Jeez, i wish game companies know that males aren't the only one's playing video games *ahemimawoman* Erm...yeah >_>

Let's see if Microsoft will have a public apology with that atrocious Press Conference they had this E3 along with Sony and their snoozefest of a press conference (though at least they had Kevin Butler to wake pe...

5205d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The thing is DMC isn't suppose to be about love. There shouldn't be no "save the GF/Princess" mission. Its stupid and cliche. And he is Emo if you're crying like a vagina in every damn cutscene cause your could-be GF got kidnap in an island where people fight demons all the time (you'd think she would know how to defend herself, since Credo is the General of the Order and that's her brother. Or know sum magic...anything. Waste of date on the disc she is).

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hell no! Capcom would mess up Sparda's legend as well. Keep Sparda as a mysterious figure that we'll never get to play. And enough with prequel's. They really need to tell us what happen to Dante after DMC 2.

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ThanatosDMC: I don't think Sparda cheated on Eva. Mind you, Sparda has been alive for many centuries, he could've had lots of girlfriends before he ever met Eva. But i don't think Sparda is that kind of person, he's too busy protecting humans.

And yes Nero is a crappy character. I think Nero is more a failed clone of Sparda then Vergil's son or Vergil reincarnated (you can't pick what body you reincarnate with so throw that theory away). And there'...

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually Hideki Kamiya is the creator of Devil May Cry. He was the Director of DMC 1 (and he's also the director of Bayonetta). Shinji Mikami was only the Producer of DMC 1 (his only influence is that DMC 1 was suppose to be either RE 3 or 4 that's why there's a creepy setting in DMC 1 and of course the death fatalities when you get killed by enemies. Other then that its pure Kamiya).

5206d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No its not for the Wii its for the Nintendo 3DS.

BTW Jill looks better here then in RE 5. In RE 5 she looked so ugly.

5208d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo definitely won for me even though i don't own a Wii. They had alot of good surprises and they didn't let there new hardware (the Nintendo 3DS) to be the main attraction (unlike MS and Sony).

MS was boring and only released info on games that were unveiled a long time ago (Gears 3 and Halo Reach). But other then that they didn't offer anything new that was really great.

Sony was a bit boring, and like MS, didn't show anything new tha...

5212d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Another E3 and yet no DMC 5 announcement *yawn*

5212d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree i wanted Vergil in this more then Trish.

5212d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

AMATERATSU!!! O_O Holy Crap i gotta see that.

And WTF no Vergil!!! Lame! Trish is there, hopefully she'll have the Sparda sword. But i would've liked Vergil more (and i hope to God Nero isn't there but yet there's no Vergil...then that'd be super lame).

5213d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL! That's pretty unnecessary (yet funny) if you're treating one of the most popular game designer who did an exclusive game on your console like this. I guess Sony wasn't too happy with him when he went to the MS conference showing the first MGS Rising video. But at least the wristband is sparkly.

5215d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

Better then Uncharted 2 graphics? No, not yet. On par with the 1st Uncharted? Maybe. I just know one thing for sure, all i see on those screenshots is green and even more green...same like the first Uncharted...but that made sense since it was a jungle setting.

5217d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

On the contrary it is finished http://www.computerandvideo...

5217d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea but its not on PSN...and i only own a PS3...>_>

5217d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Uh Soul Calibur 1...

5218d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree Vergil would be awesome in MVC3...but i highly doubt it as well. It sucks, but at least Trish is there. Remember DMC 2 with a playable Trish...

5219d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment